Oooh I've been away from this way of life for too long - think I've lost my blogging mojo! Once you get out of the habit you're kind of lost. I'm afraid I've been imprisoned by a mad sofa; it's green and very generous, soft with good spring. Actually there are two of them but the big one is the worst; it's a bully and yells at me from the minute I open my eyes - I hardly have time to get a cup of tea!
So I'm here now - what do you want to talk about? Have I finished the novel yet? Are you mad? Every time I desert the sofa and sit at the table with Lovely Laptop I end up in tidying mode or re-size photos for the web mode ... then post them on Bebo mode; or find all printed poems, put them in some kind of order - stuff them in a display book - no make that two display books; one for the published and one for everything in general. And then there's the finding old literary magazines that still stink of the fire and type my old published work into the laptop; this is not the path that leads to the end of the novel.
Today is my birthday. I might be turning over a new and more useful life - I might not...but let's be positive. This is the new 55yr old me. I think I can get some kind of cheap train travel; I was offered it eighteen months ago when buying a ticket to Aberdeen to visit now I really am an almost completely white-haired old lady, it's time to act like one and get the freebies - roll on the pension years and my free bus pass!