Saturday, 27 March 2010


The idea was to invite those who eat fish over to mine; I would cook number-three grandson’s catch and serve it up. So, the menu was:

Sea trout – cooked with lemon


Tomato ketchup

followed by

Marshmallows for pudding

I travelled across town by bus to pick up the three youngest and bounciest of my son’s children, and took them to the park for an hour – hoping to run the little devils calm. It didn’t work. Enthusiastically independent, they soon had me exhausted – it’s taken me all evening to get over it all!

The fish was lovely but they didn’t eat it because it was a real live (dead) animal and not covered in batter or breadcrumbs. An experiment gone wrong; they’re too young for real life.

What a great idea to have marshmallows for pudding – one half of the table racing the other to see how many we could eat.

I am so glad to be back in my hermit status; the flat has been trembling at the memory of their visit and things are almost back to normal.

When I returned them to their happy and relaxed parents, Bingo was laughing at the thought of me being in her shoes…and that was only with three of them and only for four hours! Oooh, I feel so old.