Friday, 20 May 2011


Just a wee catch-up:

19.4.11 Tuesday

Today, on day 4 of the diet, I refused free shortbread with my coffee and walked up 32 stairs at Queen St station instead of taking the lift! There's hope for me yet...but oh dear gods there are 2 Easter eggs in the house!!!!

15.5.11 Sunday

I feel satisfied with myself because I cleared the desk and the armchair in my room – what a good girl am I? Got Trina coming to spend the weekend next week so I suppose I should do a little more housework. There is an alarming thought in my head that I might look at an exercise video and then partake of the contortions therein BUT we don't want to do that! Do we? No, we bloody don't. But I do need to fit on that plane in two weeks so maybe if I throw myself about a bit I'll deserve a medal...or at least all the fabulous alcohol I intend consuming, carbs or not.

It's been a really chilled-out day. I sang at my iTune favourite playlist, nodding and bobbing and now that I've been fed I might get back to some more Buffy. There was writing done last night and lots of thinking done today so I'll cut me some slack and relax.

16.5.11 Monday

Me, myself and I had a party on YouTube and Facebook last night with what was left of the Tia Maria - the music was fabulous! You should've been there. Then we finished off the night with a few episodes of Buffy season 4, some of my absolute favourites – the ones with Spike tied up and the Native Americans with bows n arrows, and the engagement. We laughed my head off.

Now, I need to get up and go to work in the rain but I'll always have the memories.

16.5.11 Wednesday

I've just spent £105 in Asda! But that includes holiday clothes and bargain bras, computer speakers, hair dye and a little food. I'll have to go buy some more Tia Maria 'cause I finished it while playing on YouTube and Facebook the other night – that's where drinking alone gets you!