Saturday, 30 May 2009


Across George Square bare

skin sizzling: not drowning

in high factors.

Here, summer lands

like a sledgehammer.


Drop everything, Glaswegians

desperately seeking brown

burn red.

Hospitals prepare

people swear – Never again.

How many degrees?

Blisters glisten

skin dries and peels

to squeals of pain.

Bra-less and free

goose-bumps, fever

just in time for autumn.


Big cats settled down beside me, tame but still frightening, smacking their lips and jostling for position; they were my pets, companions since kitten-hood, loyal and enormous playthings with terrible teeth. The dreams were compelling; I slipped in and out of them and couldn’t escape, through wakings, turnings and tossing, there they were - waiting, calling me back, pinning me down.

I was comfortable, felt safe, secure and happy with them in my life but there was tension and the knowledge that they could turn into big-bad-adults and eat me at any time; I was completely aware that humans can’t always know their companions and what they’re capable of, completely.

A feminine aspect. Cats attacking you represent the enemies; if you succeed banishing them you will overcome great obstacles and rise in fortune and fame.

A dream about lions is associated with nobility, strength and pride. Your success depends upon your ability to cope with opposition. Will have a valuable friendship.

Tigers are associated with power, wild beauty and intense sexual force. You will overcome opposition and rise to a high position in your way to enjoy luxuries with ease and pleasure.

Panthers: wild beauty and grace. Enemies will fail in attempts to injure you

Leopards: enemies seek to cause injury but will fail. You will be embarrassed in business or love, but by persistent efforts you will overcome difficulties.

I think there was a mixture of these animals in my dream, but definitely lion and tiger. Of course I will lean towards the positive meanings seeing as I felt safe and aware of the dangers; so success is what I take away from this.

Friday, 29 May 2009


Oooh, just thinking about a ham and pease-pudding sandwich; I haven’t had that Geordie delicacy for years! When I first moved to the north east of England my Glaswegian nose turned up at the very thought of it and it was several years until I actually tasted it – instant love. The idea of it entered my head as I watched a character in a movie spread peanut butter on bread. Don’t know if I can get it up here.

STOP thinking about nice food. OK then. Just EAT to live – don’t LIVE to eat.

I still haven’t managed to make myself get up and out of here early and WALK into Balloch. I’ve been trying to tempt myself with the idea of looking at the boats on the river, writing in the sun (what sun?) and enjoying a coffee – I can’t even do it in the car…and it’s only about quarter of a mile! THINK of all that pleasant fresh air and a tramp through the woods or saunter along the river path.

Oh but my sofa is so lovely and the warm feeling I get from the laptop as it burns my knees…and now I’ve got stuff for sale on Ebay I can spend loads of time CHECKING for watchers!

But now I need to go get dressed and out of here for work. It’s pay-day again (not that I’ll see much of it these next two weeks) and that time of the month has come around when money is demanded with menaces so all of my excitement will come from the auctions and writing – so maybe I’d better just get right to it then.

Wednesday, 27 May 2009


I drove over to Dumbarton with TocToc and GrubbyAngel; it's amazing what's on my doorstep. I haven't really gone anywhere out of the ordinary shopping and granny-duties since I moved here. This was perfect for testing the little camera I bought on Ebay for Amazon's birthday - not great weather but interesting. According to TocToc there used to be loads of boats docked here, now there's only the ruins of the docks.

What a fabulous setting for a bowling green; if I was playing there I wouldn't be able to keep my attention on the game. I took the photo from the first level of the castle on Dumbarton Rock; apparently there's over 300 steps to the top so I wasn't going any further - maybe next year if I can lose some weight and get fit.


You might wonder why all the snipes at teenagers – even my daughter tells me to get over it, that I can’t tar them all with the same brush and all that cliché, but I still think of them as stupid, dumb and dangerous-to-know. The thought that my beautiful grandchildren will be going there fills me with dread.

Number one son was the teenager from hell, so he started it. We lived in an area of Newcastle that was taken over by underclass hoodlums; these dregs of society had received disturbance money to leave their council properties during renovations. Their revolting offspring tormented and burgled the hell out of us; I think I had six burglaries in three years.

It got to the stage that before I went out I’d separate the computer: the screen went in the bath with towels and dressing gown draped over it; the keyboard in my knicker drawer; and printer behind the sofa. The little brats would be hanging around in the street so I’d slip out the back door and bash round the shops in a sweat, desperate to get home. They actually kicked doors in, in broad daylight; they’d belt through the houses and be out with arms full of electrical goods within minutes. If no-one had seen them they’d return for more…and if all was still quiet they’d send in the smaller kids for the smaller stuff!

And then there were the friends of my teenager, who wanted him to come out to play in the street riots. I told them to go away, that he was grounded. They sat on the wall outside and didn’t move. Of course I was incensed – the crazy woman who probably made the situation worse; I chucked my son’s clothes out of the window, hoping that this would stop him from running off with the rabble: it didn’t. His friends picked them up for him.

What do you do when your child seems to be taken-over by a cult? You’re helpless; left with insane choices. I had fantasies of murdering them; I had this image in my head of a brightly washed Sunday morning, quiet streets littered with the dead bodies of these teenagers, the silk of their Shell-suits flashing in the sun – I had poisoned their drugs or household food or doorstep milk…there were several scenarios.

I was a wreck for years then when my son was seventeen one of the older gangsters tried to kill him. They wrecked my flat, but that’s a whole other story.

So am I excused?

Tuesday, 26 May 2009


You do realise that I didn’t go to the dentist, don’t you? I stuffed my face with Paracetamol and the pain eventually disappeared but there is an echo every now and then. Oh I’m feeling old.

When is it that you actually step over the threshold between middle-age to old-age? Oh God, I’ve just realised that at 55 I’ve already gone past middle-age! So that’s answered my question I suppose…but I don’t get my old-age pension till I’m 65 – this must be limbo.

Technically I’ll be invisible for the next decade then; I am nothing; there is no label attached; is this where I go mad? I think I’m still too young for that; too young for spitting at teenagers, whacking them with my walking stick (which I haven’t got yet) or pushing them off buses…hey wait a minute, I’ve got a car, I don’t use buses. I could run them over.

Okay, maybe I have reached the mad stage but I think I arrived there twenty years ago, so what’s new? What’s new is the fact that after this imminent birthday I will be on the very WRONG side of fifty…heading for sixty faaassssssst!

Monday, 25 May 2009


When my daughter was fourteen I tried to kill her with an umbrella but my sisters-in-law stopped me. I had a good excuse - murder was definitely called for…if I’d had a blog then I wouldn’t have given her the name Amazon: I hated her for the best part of ten months!

That morning my sister-in-law called me; her daughter, Lindy, was staying over,

‘Where’s Amazon?’ she said.

‘In bed. They haven’t surfaced yet,’ I told her. It was about 9am.

‘Oh I think you should check on them.’ She said she would wait while I did. So I put the phone down and went to sneak a peak at them. EMPTY! They must’ve climbed out of the window. I rushed back into the living room and picked up the phone.

‘How did you know?’

‘Because Lindy was brought home by the police at five in the morning. She’d been caught talking to some boys in a stolen car.’

‘Where’s Amazon?’

‘No idea.’

So that’s why the umbrella. We searched all day and didn’t see her till after seven. As she walked into the flat her aunts had to create a circle around her to keep me from killing her; she hadn’t listened to me for months.

I wouldn’t have dared do anything like that when I was her age; the only thing that went out of our windows was ice skates; my brother and I dropped them out so that we could LIE to our mother, saying that we were going to a friend’s house. The final destination was ice skating on Queen’s Park pond.

Of course we got caught. An aunt, who lived miles away in Cumbernauld, had decided on that very day to visit. There she was, sitting on the bus that passed the park, staring out of the window, looking at us circling the bumpy ice in full view of anyone from the main road – which was miles from our house. What are the chances of that eh?

Grounded: not murdered, obviously.

My oldest grandson is fourteen and is still lovely but I don’t live with him so maybe he isn’t so lovely to his parents. There was some dissension a while ago; I pray that these little members of my family can communicate properly when the mad time arrives – I wouldn’t want to go through that again…even though I’m removed from responsibility by being grand.

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Sunday, 10 May 2009


This was the walk up the old military road into the hills above Helensburgh. Number-one-son wanted to show me a tiny loch but there wasn't time to go that far - not sure I'm fit to go that far!

All the way along the path this burn wore its way through the rocks, destoying the path here.

It was a day of tremendous showers; driving up, the hills were blanketed with clouds of rain, and then we were in it and it was like nothing you've ever seen - the power of those rain pellets was astounding...and then we were out of it, in a flash.

The skies were brilliant for camera-work but I only had my phone - it did pretty well I think.

According to TocToc, we were approaching a dam; he suddenly caught sight of a bright green patch in the landscape ahead of us (not so obvious here) and shouted, 'A dam, it's a dam!'

Look at all this walking I did!

I turned to see where I'd come from - I walked all the way up this path; you can't even see the car, sitting at the gate!

Saturday, 9 May 2009


Oh what fun it is prowling the corners of my imagination; the new book will be called DELILAH. I've had a great time building this plan and look forward to writing it in November; I wonder if I'll be able to write right through to the end - something I haven't done with any book yet but they were never planned to this degree. Maybe I should return to the others, waiting in the wings, and give them this treatment so that when I continue them they'll fly right off to the end.

I am awash with ideas, always, and have to keep myself from going off at tangents; all the books lying behind me are not blocked or stuck: they're only paused - there's nothing wrong with them, except me! I read a blogpost that was posted in one of my witers' forums; this man is taking his novel ideas and selling them, fully planned, themed and shaped. I think this is a fantastic idea but wonder how many writers will go for it - how will they feel about not having the original idea and doing the early work on the creation? But it all looks so wonderful on his blog, here.

Digging up the ideas and flying with them is just mind-blowing. I look at my behaviour as stocking up for the future - I doubt if I'll ever be at a loss on the subject of what to write.

Thursday, 7 May 2009


So, there I was, sitting in work, talking to someone on the phone but scribbling down words that were falling into my head. After that call I noted all the names on my call sheet (only first names - and some of them not real). By the end of the shift I had planned a novel! Yes, another one.

I opened a lovely new notebook last night and transposed/translated/transformed these notes into a page each for every chapter; there are eleven now. I'm thinking that I can take this to Nano in November. It'll be the first time I've planned a novel like this and the first time I've taken a whole new project to Nano.

It's about control, this novel, and I've found some pretty hysterical situations for these characters so I'm really looking forward to November; I've just been on the callendar checking the dates of my shifts so I can take time off. Two weeks off to write as much of this whacky story as I can. God, that's a long time to wait for my holidays! But I can handle it and time disappears very quickly these days.

Of course I will be taking hold of myself and not rewarding bad behaviour - so I have to finish the one I'm working on now. That means that November is my deadline, though I'll want a rest between them...October it is then. I must just check and see if my thinking period is over yet.

Monday, 4 May 2009


Beautiful Loch Lomond; one day soon I will get myself into the routine of a regular walk around my loch. This was taken while I waited to pick the campers up...and they were only about ten minutes late - which is something.

Comedian, BlackBob and ToughGuy set out on an adventure the other weekend.

TocToc is camera-shy and therefore invisible; before I included this bit of information it might have appeared that the kids had gone camping by themselves - now wouldn't that be interesting!

TocToc demands that all his children carry their own load - ToughGuy's bag was heavier than him; he kept falling over! On the way back his bag had been incorporated into the others because the food had been eaten. He was knackered - he's only six...and he didn't complain once - well not while I was there. I dropped them off and picked them up. I've also promised to go camping and fishing with them sometime in the summer - don't hold your breath boys.

Sunday, 3 May 2009


What is this urge that’s taunting me to get dressed and visit the local shop for goodies, for stuff that isn’t food? I’m not hungry; I’ve eaten real food today – not traditionally with two veg or anything, but not covered in chocolate or candy either! And now I’m being attacked from the inside; there’s an army of suggestions insinuating themselves deep in my mind alongside a tricky little prompt: you can pick up some bargains for the week ahead and save money. How wily is that?

I drove to the east coast yesterday. Burnisland and Kinghorn have fabulous beaches; Tilly, Biz and I ploughed through sand, staggered over rocks and around the headland. It was an amazing trip. We stopped in Aberdour to visit The Green Witch’s little shop, where I bought yet another pack of tarot cards – they are so gorgeous, very arty: The Haindl Deck. A busy little day was had; coming out of my hermit existence is exciting but knackering. The wind blew my sensibilities inside out – exhilarating stuff indeed.

The idea of going for a walk flitted through my mind several times today but I was able to curb it with a chicken and mushroom pie! I know that to some people this sounds bad but oooh that creamy sauce and light pastry with a lovely soggy layer just underneath makes up for any hardship at missing a brisk walk.

There’s a huge floret of broccoli in the fridge but it’s not grabbing my attention; I’m thinking giant chocolate buttons! Imagine how quick I could get clothes on my back and out of here…should I do it? Will I beat the notion?