Thursday, 7 May 2009


So, there I was, sitting in work, talking to someone on the phone but scribbling down words that were falling into my head. After that call I noted all the names on my call sheet (only first names - and some of them not real). By the end of the shift I had planned a novel! Yes, another one.

I opened a lovely new notebook last night and transposed/translated/transformed these notes into a page each for every chapter; there are eleven now. I'm thinking that I can take this to Nano in November. It'll be the first time I've planned a novel like this and the first time I've taken a whole new project to Nano.

It's about control, this novel, and I've found some pretty hysterical situations for these characters so I'm really looking forward to November; I've just been on the callendar checking the dates of my shifts so I can take time off. Two weeks off to write as much of this whacky story as I can. God, that's a long time to wait for my holidays! But I can handle it and time disappears very quickly these days.

Of course I will be taking hold of myself and not rewarding bad behaviour - so I have to finish the one I'm working on now. That means that November is my deadline, though I'll want a rest between them...October it is then. I must just check and see if my thinking period is over yet.


  1. Oh my gosh - how many novels have you written? And what's "to Nano?

  2. started and paused half-way through bettejo! think i've got about five so far. NANO is National Novel writing month where people around the world spend the whole of november aiming to write 50,000 words!!! which is the first draft of a novel. it's all great fun, joining in with people doing the same thing at the same time and meeting up with people in your area, sitting in cafes and pubs, battering away at laptops, eating, talking and then doing it again the next year! this year i might even make the 50,000. x
