What would you wear? I’m definitely not a blue tights and red wellies sort of person; I’d have to wear black or a mixture of browns – normality means invisibility. Actually, just being a short and dumpy woman gives me that already; it’s a great super power to have.
Leaping tall buildings in a single bound is out, so is hand-to-hand combat –
Batman I am not. I’d have to be
Gadget Girl with gismos; point and shoot. Oh wouldn’t it be amazing? Busily sneaking around zapping baddies – zzzttt, zzzttt. Just like that.
Of course I’d have to develop my psychic abilities further; become like the oracles in that Tom Cruise film,
Minority Report but I’d be working on my own, zapping the bad guys and setting victims free. You think I’m like
Superman, don’t you? That I won’t kill, that I’ll set my zapper to stun. Well, you’re wrong; I’ll terminate every one of them who intends to kill – I’d go to war.
I’d freeze robbers and immobilise them till the police arrived then I’d make them confess to all their crimes…which brings me to politicians; I’d zap them with my
Truth ray and bring down the government, which would increase crime – I’d be a terrible super hero and I’d never save the world because it can’t be saved.
I think the real heroes are the people doing the jobs that are despised by the wider community like police and tax officers, refuse collectors and yes, even social workers. I don’t think newspaper and magazine people could ever be super heroes or footballers but mothers are from the moment they conceive that new possibility for the world.
Are we waiting for a Messiah, a super hero to save us from ourselves? Will he or she come out of the darkness wearing the white coat of science or the uniform of a homicidal dictator? I pick the scientist. That’s where I’d get my gadgets – maybe I am the super hero after all.